An image displaying a large field and trees - it is bright and sunlit.

Six Australian Native Trees to have in your Garden

Native fruits and plants surround us all the time, on the sides of paths and in the depths of forests, but rarely do we think to include them in our edible gardens. But some truly astounding varieties of edible fruits are out there! From finger limes to Blueberry Ash trees, let’s explore six varieties of small native Australian trees that can provide fruit for your garden! Finger lime (Citrus australasica) The Australian finger lime – an underrated, underappreciated fruit tree that can easily be grown in most gardens....

A collage of plant images with the text 'what can I plant in early fall?'

What Can I Plant in Early Fall?

As back-to-school approaches it can feel like planting the garden was all but a distant memory. But with the cooler temps comes a whole new potential garden season! While some plants like broccoli and cabbage commonly need to be started in the summer to be ready in time for a fall harvest, there are still plenty of plants you can start growing in early fall! Of course what you can plant in early fall depends on your location, so as a first step be sure to check the Growing Calendar in Planter to see which plants can be grown now in your local area....

Rain dripping from the roof in a storm

Reviving Your Garden: A Post-Storm Cleanup Guide

This growing guide was planned and written before Hurricane Hillary had formed; our thoughts go out to those impacted in California, Idaho, and Oregon. Please stay safe out there! The climate has been particularly disturbed lately, and it has not only thrown growing seasons into disarray. Storms such as hurricanes are increasing in frequency, and these can cause some serious damage to many parts of your life, including your garden. It’s important to learn how to best recover when Mother Nature decides to throw a wrench (or a tree, or a power line) into your garden....

A sprinkler watering a veggie garden with a rainbow effect in the mist

Help Your Garden Survive a Heat Wave

While some areas (like my own) have been experiencing an unusually cool, wet growing season this year, many gardeners are in the midst of heatwaves and drought. Heat waves can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with as a gardener. You can be doing everything right- ensuring your plants are off to a good start, keeping them pruned, trellised, and weeded, but once extreme heat hits gardening can become a battle for survival....

Gardener harvesting Tomatoes

Tomato Growing Tips & Tricks

Tomatoes hold a special place in the hearts of many gardeners. While basic tomato growing practices are well-known, diving into advanced care techniques can elevate your tomato game to new heights. From strategic fruit removal to battling pesky diseases, let’s explore a comprehensive guide that goes beyond the usual and takes your tomato cultivation skills up a notch! Pruning for Vigor Pruning isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic move. Try pinching off suckers- those side shoots that appear at the junction of the main stem and branches....

A pair of hands holding an unripe pepper on the plant

Why Are My Plants Growing So Slowly?

Sometimes it feels like it’s taking forever for your plants to produce a first harvest. This is especially true for warm-season crops like tomatoes and peppers that typically don’t produce a first crop until well into the growing season. But is the wait normal, or is there an underlying problem that’s causing your plants to grow extra-slow? To figure this out, check the seed packets (or research the plant variety) for the ‘days to maturity’....

A magnifying glass over a plant leaf with possible yellowing

Pests and Diseases to Watch Out For!

As the gardening season progresses, plants can quickly turn from young, green, and thriving to run-down, bug-bitten and diseased. A certain amount of pest and disease pressure is inevitable in the garden, especially once the heat and humidity of summer sets in. To keep plants as healthy as possible it’s important to take preventative measures and to keep an eye out for early signs of trouble. To help with this, we’ve pulled together a list of common pests and diseases that could be hitting your garden now....

Person examining a plant's leaves.

Dealing with Nutrient Deficiencies in the Garden

Hey there, gardeners! Have you been dealing with nutrient deficiencies in your garden? It’s a common hurdle for gardeners to overcome, but don’t worry- nutrients are something that is very manageable to resolve and maintain. What nutrients are important in the garden? There’s a lot of different nutrients that go into our growing plants, but let’s talk about the essential nutrients your plants need. There are the three macronutrients that plants require in larger quantities, often referred to as N-P-K:...

A collage of plant images with the words "What to Plant in Summer?"

What to Plant in Summer

Once midsummer hits it can feel like you’re in a gardening standstill. On the one hand you’re waiting for some of the longer-maturing plants to start producing a harvest, and on the other hand earlier spring crops are starting to fizzle out. But in midsummer many of us still have ample time to get new plants growing and get a substantial harvest before the season comes to an end. The first step is to check the Growing Calendar in Planter to see which plants you may still have time to grow in your area....

My son sowing pea seeds in the garden.

Gardening With Kids

One of the best things we can do as gardeners is pass along our love of gardening to our children. When I was a kid, my mom would let me and my two brothers each pick a corner of the garden to plant cucumbers. As the season went along, we’d watch excitedly as our cucumbers grew and jump at the chance to harvest them (it was also a bit of competition between us siblings to see whose plants grew the most cucumbers 😉)....