Harvesting chamomile in the summer

Harvesting Herbs from the Garden

If you’re growing herbs in your garden, you may wonder when the perfect time to harvest them is. It all depends on which part of the plant you want to use. Plants store their active compounds in different places depending on what stage of growth they are in. Harvest Timelines Harvest aromatic herbs like basil, lemon balm, sage, and oregano just as the flowers are beginning to open. This is when the volatile oil levels are strongest, giving you a more flavorful or potent herb....

Four basil plants that were started as cuttings

How to Propagate Basil

If you want to stay within your gardening budget this year, consider propagating some of your plants this season! To propagate means to create new plants from a single parent plant. You can do this with quite a few plants, but basil is one of the easiest. If you like basil, you know it’s an herb you can do a lot with because it can go with savory and sweet dishes....

Herb marker sticks in a terra cotta pot

Herbs You Can Grow in Containers

Gardens come in many different sizes, and you don’t need a lot of land to tend to one. As long as you have some space for a pot or two (or twenty!), you can grow a whole range of things. Herbs, both culinary and medicinal, can be grown in pots, in the same way you can grow ornamental flowers. Benefits of Growing Herbs in Containers: You don’t need a ton of gardening space....

Feverfew and calendula in bloom

Why Should I Grow Herbs in My Garden?

Have you ever wanted to know more about herbs but weren’t sure where to start? Maybe you’re thinking you have to be enrolled at a school of wizardry to learn. Or maybe you have to be a medieval monk to have an apothecary garden. Not at all! The interest in herbalism is growing quickly. Many countries around the world use plants as a form of complementary medicine. There’s no better time than now to start your herbal garden....

A plate with a curry dish surrounded by fresh vegetables and a tablet showing the Planter app

Plan Your Curry Garden

While there are many factors to consider when planning a garden, it’s important to plan based on the types of dishes you and your family enjoy preparing. If you and your family enjoy cooking food with a global flair, you might want to consider planning a ‘curry garden’. ‘Curry’ is actually a loose, catch-all term that doesn’t properly refer to any specific dish. In its originating culture, each dish would have its own unique name....

Plan Your Tea Garden

So begins our series of various garden plans to inspire you! Today, we’re focusing on an assortment plants that we can use for tea. Whether it’s the fruit, leaves, root, flower, or even the seeds themselves, there’s incredible range in the kind of plants that can be used for a wonderful cup of tea! We’ll be focusing on some of the more common plants in this Growing Guide. Harvesting Some plants may taste better dried or fresh, so experiment!...

Various herb plants in a raised wooden garden bed

What to Do with Your Herb Garden Before Winter

The peppers are done. The tomatoes, long-gone. But your herb garden is still chugging along into the depths of fall. The first night that a hard frost rolls in you might find yourself half-frantically wondering “what should I do with my herbs?” Because herb plants are diverse, there’s different techniques you can use either to save the plants or to salvage a final harvest! Harvest your herbs Your first instinct might be to just hack down every little bit of greenery that’s left on your herb plants....

Coloring Your Clothes (and Food!) with Ingredients Straight from Your Garden

Why Go Natural with your Colors? Have you ever tie-dyed with your family or friends? It’s a fun and creative activity, and many synthetic dye kits are available on the market! However, there are several good reasons to try dying with plants; put simply, natural dyes are more eco-friendly than those on the market. You reduce your ecological footprint every time you choose to reduce your packaging waste or avoid introducing chemicals to the water system; choosing homemade alternatives is a great way to do both!...

Herb plants ready for planting

Grow Abundant Herbs

If you enjoy having flavorful ingredients for cooking, there is nothing better than growing your own fresh herbs. Growing herbs provides many rewards, with relatively little effort. Adding herbs to your garden is a great way to expand the range of recipes you can create from your garden’s produce! Why Add Herbs to Your Garden Herbs pack a major flavor punch in a dainty package and greatly enhance any dish you add them to....