Rainbow Tomatoes

April Showers Bring ... Rainbow Veggies!!? 🌈

Veggies come in all colors these days; purple carrots, orange tomatoes, and even yellow watermelon. But among the most prized (and hard to find) veggies are the rainbow varieties. Many of these are fairly new but they’re starting to show up at farmers markets and even some grocery stores. Here’s a collection of the rainbow varieties that we’ve found: Rainbow Hot Peppers Although they look colorful, you may not want to “taste the rainbow” with this particular variety....

Four tomato seedlings in pots by a windowsill

Seedling Care and Troubleshooting

If you’ve been busy starting seeds indoors, you might already be at the point where your seeds have germinated and are growing into tiny seedlings (if not, be sure to check out our Seed Starting series to get started!) But the conditions that seedlings need to grow and thrive are different from what they need to germinate. Knowing how to properly care for your seedlings is important to get them off to the best start possible!...

Young seedlings growing in a foil tray

All About Starting Seeds Indoors

It can seem like a hassle to start seeds indoors- why bother if you can plant seeds directly in the garden? For some plants, starting seeds indoors is not just a nice-to-do, it’s a must-do! In this article we’ll cover the whys, whens, and hows of starting seeds indoors. Why Start Seeds Indoors? The main benefit of starting seeds indoors is extra time. Some plants take more time to reach maturity than you have in your growing season....

Swiss chard and other plants in a veggie garden

How to Plan a Veggie Garden

Are you starting your first veggie garden this year? Or are you an avid gardener that just doesn’t like to plan? No matter your experience level, it’s important to start the gardening season off right with a garden plan. Creating a garden plan will save you from having to find spots to cram in all your plants after a spontaneous trip to the garden center (not that we’ve ever done that

Unlock Your Garden's Potential with the Right Tools!

Are you looking to restock your gardening equipment? Maybe you’re starting up new and looking for the tools for the job you’ve planned on Planter? Or perhaps, you’re looking for gifts for a loved one who gardens? Well look no further! There’s a large variety of tools that could go to good use in your planting space; it all just depends on what you need done! So
 Let’s start first with the basics!...

Lettuce and green onions growing together

Feature Launch: Enhanced Companion Planting Relationships

While snow has been flying outside the Planter team has been hunkered down inside working on the latest Planter feature updates
and we are very excited to launch enhanced companion planting relationships in Planter! (Not familiar with companion planting in Planter? Check out this how-to article and our blog post on companion planting for more info.) Install the latest version of Planter to start using the enhanced companion planting features: Icons that show companion plant benefits and combative plant drawbacks at a glance...

Apps that Every Gardener Needs to Know About

Gardening is one of the oldest hobbies in the world, and it’s always been a very hands-on, low-tech pursuit. But with the advent of mobile technology, gardening apps have become a popular tool for green thumbs everywhere. Who would have thought that you could use a smartphone to help you grow plants and veggies? It may seem a bit strange, but these apps can actually make gardening easier and more fun....

My seedling heat mat, a seedling tray, seeds, and an Android figurine with air plants.

Heat Mats for Starting Seeds

I don’t know about you, but I’m dreaming of warmer spring weather and getting back out in the garden! To satisfy that “gardening itch” that comes every winter, I like to dig out my seed starting supplies and grow tomatoes, peppers, and a few other veggies. Our last post focused on grow lights, which are arguably the most important piece of equipment for starting seeds. However, some seeds may not even germinate to see that light if you don’t keep them at the right temperature....

Seedlings under a purple grow light

All About Grow Lights

Starting veggie seedlings indoors is a great way to get a head start on the gardening season and relieve that “gardening itch” that many of us get in the winter. One of the most important things a seedling needs is the right amount of light. However, chances are your average house window isn’t bright enough and you’ll need to supplement the light with a grow light. But if you’ve shopped for grow lights recently, you may have been overwhelmed by all the different options....

Crocus poking through the snow

New Season, New Features!

It may be the middle of winter, but here at Planter we’re busy getting ready for the new growing season. We’re also very excited to announce a host of new features and improvements that we will be adding to the app in 2023! But first, I have some personal news
 Starting this month I have transitioned to working on Planter full-time! When I originally released the app in 2017, I never imagined it would grow to be what it is today....