Harvesting chamomile in the summer

Harvesting Herbs from the Garden

If you’re growing herbs in your garden, you may wonder when the perfect time to harvest them is. It all depends on which part of the plant you want to use. Plants store their active compounds in different places depending on what stage of growth they are in. Harvest Timelines Harvest aromatic herbs like basil, lemon balm, sage, and oregano just as the flowers are beginning to open. This is when the volatile oil levels are strongest, giving you a more flavorful or potent herb....

Plan Your Spice Garden

What Exactly are Spices? In broad terms, both herbs and spices come from plants, but herbs are usually the fresh leaves. On the other hand, spices are typically dried, and they make use of many other parts of the plant- root, stalk, seed or fruit. Both herbs and spices add flavor to the dish, however herbs are more subtle while spices have a much stronger flavor. Plan Your Garden with Planter!...

Various herb plants in a raised wooden garden bed

What to Do with Your Herb Garden Before Winter

The peppers are done. The tomatoes, long-gone. But your herb garden is still chugging along into the depths of fall. The first night that a hard frost rolls in you might find yourself half-frantically wondering “what should I do with my herbs?” Because herb plants are diverse, there’s different techniques you can use either to save the plants or to salvage a final harvest! Harvest your herbs Your first instinct might be to just hack down every little bit of greenery that’s left on your herb plants....

Lettuce plants in a row in a garden receiving partial sun

Growing Vegetables in Part Shade

One of the things we first learn as gardeners is how important it is to select a full sun location for a veggie garden. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have the luxury of having an extra large yard with all-day sun exposure. Even if you’re lucky enough to have a sun-drenched backyard, you might have underutilized partially shaded areas of your yard that you wish you could grow food in. The good news is…you can in fact grow some vegetables in part shade!...

Collage of plant images with the words "low-maintenance plants for your veggie garden"

Low-Maintenance Plants For Your Veggie Garden

Growing a veggie garden is fun and rewarding, but there are some times when it can feel like work. From prepping beds to planting, watering, weeding and fertilizing- there’s always a chore to tackle. If you’re looking to minimize your gardening effort out but still get some awesome harvests- we’ve got you covered! Read on for our top picks for low-maintenance plants: Kale Kale is truly an incredible plant. Not only is it astoundingly cold-hardy, once established it can grow through almost anything you can throw at it....

16 of Your Garden's Local Pest Hunters

The Benefits of Beneficial Insects Natural predation can help take care of pests instead of using chemicals! Not only are pesticides becoming less effective on pests due to developing resistances in the insect populations, they wreak havoc in the environment. Pesticides can ruin the soil and seep into the water sources nearby, causing harm to the local ecosystem. Pesticides also aren’t selective; not only do they kill pests as intended, they’ll also kill beneficial insects and harm creatures that feed on the dead insects....

Herb plants ready for planting

Grow Abundant Herbs

If you enjoy having flavorful ingredients for cooking, there is nothing better than growing your own fresh herbs. Growing herbs provides many rewards, with relatively little effort. Adding herbs to your garden is a great way to expand the range of recipes you can create from your garden’s produce! Why Add Herbs to Your Garden Herbs pack a major flavor punch in a dainty package and greatly enhance any dish you add them to....

Bee with pollen on an echinacea flower

Attracting Pollinators to the Garden

Many types of plants depend on pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to pollinate their flowers so they can produce fruit and seeds. To get the best harvests possible, there are steps we can take as gardeners to encourage more pollinators to visit our garden. Why are pollinators important in the garden? To understand why pollinators are important in the garden, we first need to understand which plants rely on them....