Herb plants ready for planting

Grow Abundant Herbs

If you enjoy having flavorful ingredients for cooking, there is nothing better than growing your own fresh herbs. Growing herbs provides many rewards, with relatively little effort. Adding herbs to your garden is a great way to expand the range of recipes you can create from your garden’s produce! Why Add Herbs to Your Garden Herbs pack a major flavor punch in a dainty package and greatly enhance any dish you add them to....

Bee with pollen on an echinacea flower

Attracting Pollinators to the Garden

Many types of plants depend on pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to pollinate their flowers so they can produce fruit and seeds. To get the best harvests possible, there are steps we can take as gardeners to encourage more pollinators to visit our garden. Why are pollinators important in the garden? To understand why pollinators are important in the garden, we first need to understand which plants rely on them....