Gardener holding soil in gloved hands, over a bucket of soil.

How to Improve Poor Soil Drainage

Have you noticed that your plants have been struggling in your soil? Maybe when you water your garden, it doesn’t seem to soak in, or your plants leaves seem sad and limp despite the rain? Your garden might be having issues with water drainage! But never fear- What is the main cause of poor soil drainage? Compaction! The weight of machinery, vehicles, garden equipment, and people pushes the particles of soil together tightly, reducing the spaces of air in the soil....

Collage of plant images with the words "low-maintenance plants for your veggie garden"

Low-Maintenance Plants For Your Veggie Garden

Growing a veggie garden is fun and rewarding, but there are some times when it can feel like work. From prepping beds to planting, watering, weeding and fertilizing- there’s always a chore to tackle. If you’re looking to minimize your gardening effort out but still get some awesome harvests- we’ve got you covered! Read on for our top picks for low-maintenance plants: Kale Kale is truly an incredible plant. Not only is it astoundingly cold-hardy, once established it can grow through almost anything you can throw at it....

A pair of hands planting tomato plants

When Can I Plant Outdoors?

As soon as the sun starts to peak out in spring it’s easy to assume winter must be gone by now…right? Unfortunately, the cold weather doesn’t give way to warmer days reliably. Gardeners can easily be tricked into planting too early, only to be caught off guard when the thermometer dips back down again. While there’s no hard-and-fast rule for when it’s safe to plant outdoors, let’s dive into some considerations....

Young lettuce and beet plants in a garden ready to be transplanted

How to Plant a Spring Garden

As the weather starts to warm up in spring, the gardener’s drive to get plants growing outdoors starts to kick into high gear. Planting a spring garden is a great way to jumpstart the growing season, but not all plants can survive the unpredictable- and often downright frigid- springtime weather patterns. Sometimes the spring weather is nasty enough to keep even the most determined gardener hiding indoors! But don’t let the flip-flopping between winter’s cold and summer’s heat deter you from getting started!...

Rotating watermelon icon

Feature Launch: Rotate 1x2 Plants and More!

We’ve been hard at work improving Planter with some of your most requested features. Near the top of the feature request list was the ability to rotate 1x2 square plants, such as squash, watermelon, and pumpkin. We’re happy to announce that this is now possible! Note: These changes are being rolled out over the next week, so you might not have access to them yet. We like to do slow roll-outs for big features like this, in case there are any bugs....

White bulbing onions growing in the garden

Grow Amazing Alliums

Alliums, that is plants belonging to the onion family, are a must-have in your garden! They are low-maintenance, resistant to many pests and diseases, and super-versatile in the kitchen. Alliums are not limited only to onions- shallots, chives, leeks, and garlic are also alliums! Even though they belong to the same plant family, each of these plants has unique growing requirements and culinary characteristics. Whether you’re a gardening newbie or expanding your gourmet garden, there’s an allium for everyone!...

Two bunnies hanging around some soon-to-be-eaten lettuce.

Rabbit Proof Your Garden

Last year, the rabbits won. They ate my sugar snap pea seedlings. They ate my corn seedlings. They even nibbled through the green bean stalks, leaving the rest of the previously flourishing plant to wilt and die. I had a pet rabbit as a kid, and I love them. But not in my garden! So this year, I set out to fix the problem by ripping out the old, dilapidated garden fence and replacing it with a brand-new, (hopefully) rabbit-proof fence....

Green shovel in garden soil

Peat Moss - Good or bad?

Peat moss has been getting a bad reputation lately, due to its environmental impact. But is it really that bad? Let’s explore this question, and you may learn that it’s not as simple as you thought. But first, what is peat and where does it come from? Peat Moss Peat is partially decomposed organic matter that forms in wetlands. It is made up of mosses, sedges (think tall grasses), and other plants that have died and accumulated over time....

Pictured are two shelves lit brightly from behind/above, each filled with trays filled with soil blocks.

Revolutionize Your Seed Starting with Soil Blocking

Have you been curious about the technique of soil blocking? Wondering why you might want to try soil blocks instead of the usual seedling trays? Well then, you’ve come to the right place! Soil blocking is a seed-starting technique that can be a bit baffling for many gardeners who aren’t familiar with it. The beauty of this technique is that it’s a versatile option for gardeners who have troubles with seedling roots or simply want to cut down on their hobby’s waste....

A worker's gloved hands holding a box of vegetables

How to Land a Gardening Job

Have you ever thought about turning your gardening hobby into more-than-a-hobby? Getting paid to garden might seem too-good-to-be-true, but there are plenty of gardening-related jobs out there! Whether you’re searching for a summer gig, finding your vocation, or looking to ditch a desk job, read on to learn how to cultivate a career in gardening! Be sure a gardening job is right for you: Before you embark on your gardening job hunt, it’s important to understand that gardening as a job can be very different from gardening in your own backyard....